Welcome to Sunset Soaring – Radio Control Flying on Sydney’s North Shore
About Sunset Soaring Club
Sunset Soaring Club has been flying electric model aircraft and gliders at Golden Jubilee sports field in Wahroonga for over 30 years. We hire the back oval from Ku-ring-gai council to fly four mornings a week, year round.
We regularly host visitors from other clubs and welcome a chat with members of the public.

Golden Jubilee Flying Field
Our flying field is one of the few remaining decent flying fields on Sydney’s North Shore suitable for radio control model aircraft. Because there are no trees or obstructions to the East or North, the entire oval is our runway and most flying takes place over the adjacent National Park. This makes it ideal for learning to fly, thermal gliding and sport aerobatics.
Do you want to learn to fly?
The best way to learn is with a club. Our members are friendly and helpful and our instructors follow the formal instruction process developed by our parent body, the Australian Miniature Aerosports Society, Inc. (AMAS).
Please contact us or drop in on a flying day with any queries you may have.

Club Christmas Pizza Party and Fun Fly Competitions
We had a great members and family turnout for our 2022 Christmas pizza party and fun-fly competitions on December 4th, with about 40 people enjoying great weather, all you can eat pizzas straight from the oven, some fun “all-up, last down” flying competitions – and of course, lots of chat and tall stories! Thanks to Dean Riebolge for the great photos.
Flying field weather station
Thanks to our video camera sharing agreement with the Ku-ring-gai Bush Fire Brigade (see below) we now have access to the live reports from a professional weather station which is located adjacent to Golden Jubilee back oval.
For a more detailed report see our Weather page.
Flying field web camera
In 2021 we purchased a remote controlled internet video camera which we share with the Ku-ring-gai Bush Fire Brigade. The camera is installed overlooking the Golden Jubilee Back Oval .
During our normal flying hours the camera will automatically cycle between a number of different pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) views of the area, but it can also be controlled manually by Sunset Soaring Club administrators.
During bushfire and hazard reduction operations the camera can also be controlled by the Bush Fire Brigade and has already proved useful in monitoring local hazard reduction burns.
You can get the latest live view here.
Facebook group
We have a closed Facebook group for members to discuss matters relating to Sunset Soaring Club and Aeromodelling in general.
Club members who already have a Facebook account can join by clicking on the ‘Join’ button.
You can find a link on the Members page or by clicking here.
Flying field storage shed
In 2018 the club successfully completed the shed to house our growing range of equipment. Thanks to the Federal Government’s recognition of our activities, we received a substantial grant towards the building cost from the Stronger Communities Program Grant. Our local member, Paul Fletcher, who was then also the Federal Minister for Communications, presided at the opening and acted as starter for our major Fun Fly competition. Thanks Paul.
The club is now in a position to support our future growth much more strongly and increase social activities such as the BBQs.
We particularly welcome new youngsters interested in aviation careers and aviation flavoured STEM activities.

Photos of our activities
Photos are slowly but surely being added to the website. The photos range from recent events through to snapshots of our rich 30+ year history.
You can find them in the Events and Photo gallery or by clicking here
If you have any photos to contribute, please contact Alan Layton or one of the committee members
Building the storage shed at the field
2017 interview with editor of Monthly Chronicle
Construction of our long awaited storage shed at Golden Jubilee oval commenced with site set-out activities on Friday 27th January 2017, and excavation works for the concrete slab started on Monday 30th. The construction site will be surrounded by a wire security fence during construction. Thanks to the committee members who started working on this about 5 years ago.
The shed is now nearing completion with roof on and doors installed. Some minor work to lockup stage and then painting and fitout to finish.
We broke tradition on the 23rd April 2017 by holding the AGM at the field, accompanied by beautiful flying weather and a good attendance. Thanks to Ron and Paul for the barbecue, which they now have down to a fine art.
Congratulations to Don, our oldest member, who has recently turned 90. See the photo in Events.
Please give us your ideas for Show and Tell evenings, Fun Fly days and visiting interesting aviation attractions. Next up could be a visit to another club and hopefully another visit to HARS for the next Flying Day.
One of our Associate members recently went to demonstrate model aviation during a STEM inspiration day at a local school. The flight simulator usage went down particularly well. Please let the committee know if you come across any such opportunities to demonstrate the current state of the technology to young people.
Recently we have begun hosting visitors from Aged Care Villages. Please contact us to arrange a visit which consists of a brief description of what we do, describing the types of models and then a flying demonstration. We prefer visits on a weekday (when the weather is amenable) as Sundays can be a bit busy.