If you are interested in joining us, there is a wealth of aviation knowledge in the club that members share freely.
Our members enjoy the challenge of flying in its various forms: aerobatic manoeuvres, soaring in thermals, or practising for various forms of competitions. Many clubs sponsor local or Australian competitions in a wide variety of areas, similar to full size aircraft competitions.
Others prefer assembling models or building them from kits or plans.
A larger challenge is to design a model from scratch. Nowadays there are several types of software to assist with aerodynamic theory calculations, CAD design and laser cutting or 3D printing of various components, and calculating power system designs and sizing.
Several members have bought or built their own CNC cutting machines which take a CAD design and produce components ready for assembly. The 3D printing revolution has reached us with several members busy designing and printing their own aeroplanes.
One member has even built his own full size Experimental two seat aircraft.
In addition to our modelling instructors, several members have full size instructor qualifications.