This is meant to be a short list of interesting links by category. Please contact the webmaster with suggestions.
Australian Clubs and Flying Associations
Australian Miniature Aerosports Society
Australian Electric Flight Association
League of Silent Flight Australia
Model Aeronautical Association of Australia
Aeromodellers NSW
Gosford City Aeromodellers Club
Heathcote Soaring League
Hornsby Electric Model Flying Club
Macquarie Model Soaring Club
Warringah Radio Control Society
CASA – the federal government department which regulates all full size and model flying in Australia
CASA safety note to model flyers
Model Flying Regulations
Local Hobby Suppliers
Electric Flight in Australia
Frontline Hobbies (Newcastle)
Hobbyland (Hornsby)
Kellett’s Hobbies (Liverpool)
Model Engines Australia
Model Flight Australia
World Hobbies
Overseas Hobby Suppliers
Aircraft World
Bang Good
Hobby King
Hobby Lobby
Tower Hobbies
Xtreme Power Systems
Flying Scale Models
Quiet & Electric Flight Magazine
RCM & E Magazine
Other Interesting Links
Slope Soaring Australia
Electric Flyers Only (Ken Myers)
Ian Pullar’s Beginners Information – good info, but a little out of date technically
RC Groups
Last updated May 2021